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→ | Tuesday 19 February 2019
| 12:00 | Registration
| 13:00-13:30 | Welcome
The scope of NoraY. Deryck, Brussels, Belgium
Le "Hors Quartier" ErasmeM. Baurain, Brussels, Belgium
| 13:30-15:00 | Guidelines & Staffing
"Nonanesthesia providers": What's in a nameY. Deryck, Brussels, Belgium
ESGE guidelines for non-anesthesiologist administration of sedation and propofolJ.M. Dumonceau, Buenos Aires, Argentina
ESA and EBA Guidelines for procedural sedation and analgesia in adultsJ. Hinkelbein, Cologne, Germany
Practices in EuropeJ. Knape, Utrecht, The Netherlands
| 15:00 | Coffee Break
| 15:30-16:30 | Safety & Complications
Nora SafetyM. Weiss, Philadelphia, USA
Complication of interventions and anesthesia outside the operating roomR. Urman, Boston, USA
| 16:30-18:00 | The Future of NORA... Perhaps the Future of Anesthesia
The future of NORAS. Boggs, Memphis, USA
Anesthetic drug design and biased opioid signaling: will it change anesthetic practiceV. Spahn, Berlin, Germany
NORA architectural ideas in the future proof hospitalJ. Cogge, Ghent, Belgium
| 18:00-20:00 | Meet and Greet walking dinner / Brussels street food and selected Belgian Beers
→ | Wednesday 20 February 2019
| 08:00-9:30 | Monitoring & IT
Monitoring - CapnographyD. Whitaker, Manchester, UK
Advanced respiratory monitoringJ. Mandel, Philadelphia, USA
Anesthesia information management systems for NORA locationsR. Urman, Boston, USA
| 09:30 | Coffee Break
| 10:00-12:00 | Urology
Advances in endoscopic urology part IT. Roumeguere, Brussels, Belgium
Advances in endoscopic urology part IIF. Legrand, Brussels, Belgium
| 12:00 | Lunch
| 13:00-15:00 | GastrointestinaI I: Basics & Common Procedures
Advances on gastrointestinal motility important in the context of endoscopic proceduresJ. Tack, Leuven, Belgium
Upper GI endoscopy, ERCP, colonoscopy : what does the endoscopist wants/expects from the anesthesiologistJ. Devière, Brussels, Belgium
Anesthesia for GI endoscopyM. Weiss, Philadelphia, USA
| 15:00 | Break
| 15:30-17:30 | GastrointestinaI II: Splanchnic Circulation & Liver Cirrhosis
Splanchnic circulation & Liver hemodynamicsF. Bendtsen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Pharmakinetics and pharmadynamics in liver cirrhosisZ. Milan, London, UK
TIPS procedureA. Lemmers, Brussels, Belgium
Anesthesia and post-interventional care for TIPSA. DeGasperi, Milan, Italy
| 17:45-18:30 | NORA Controversies for GI endoscopy: deep sedation versus general anesthesia, to intubate or not to intubate, …
DebateJ. Devière, A. DeGasperi, J.M. Dumonceau, J. Hinkelbein, M. Weiss
→ | Thursday 21 February 2019
| 08:00-10:00 | "B2B": Respiration & Ventilation
Physics of GasTransportS.Verbanck, Brussels, Belgium
Disturbances of pulmonary gasexchangeR. Naeije, Brussels, Belgium
Physics and practical issues of HF Jet ventilationJ. Mandel, Philadelphia, USA
| 10:00 | Break
| 10:30-12:00 | Pulmonology
Interventional pulmonology: state of the art and future trendsD. Leduc, Brussels, Belgium
Anesthesia for interventional pulmonologyM. Weiss, Philadelphia, USA
Clinical casesB. Bondue, Brussels, Belgium
| 12:00-13:00 | Lunch
| 13:00-15:00 | Cardio I
Cardiac electrophysiology and the genesis of cardiac arrhythmiasN. Herring, Oxford, UK
Ablation techniquesR. Casado Arroyo, Brussels, Belgium
Anesthesia for Electrophysiology LabJ. Mandel, Philadelphia, USA
| 15:00 | Break
| 15:30-17:00 | Cardio II
Technology behind EP mappingO. Dössel, Karlsruhe, Germany
State of the art of transcatheter treatment for valvular disease and heart failureN. Vanmieghem, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Anesthesia for cardiac transcatheter treatmentsI. Matot, Tel Aviv, Israel
| 17:00-18:30 | NeuroRadiology
Cerebral Blood Flow : autoregulation & dysautoregulationP. Andrews, Edinburgh, UK
Pathology of cerebral vesselsB. Lubicz, Brussels, Belgium
General anesthesia or sedation for treatment of ischemic strokeM. Rasmussen, Aarhus, Denmark
→ | Friday 22 February 2019
| 08:30-12:30 | Visit to the ‘Hors Quartier’ at the Erasme University Hospital of the U.L.B
“Hors Quartier” is a platform were all NORA activities related to GI endoscopy, interventional radiology, pulmonology, urology, etc. are concentrated.
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